Finding Optimum within Organisations

FINDING OPTIMUM: Group performance workshops for organisations If you are an organisation or team lead interested in any of these topics, please do get in contact:
The True Athlete Project: where sport and humanity collide

The True Athlete Project: Where sport and humanity collide Earlier this year I had the pleasure and privilege of once again designing and delivering the True Athlete Project ‘s 5-week mindfulness programme for athletes as part of their Global Athlete Mentoring Programme. Each programme and class is like its own living and breathing organism – unique, different to […]
Finding Focus – 1 Day Programme

Employee wellbeing: what approach to take?

Employee wellbeing: A one-off workshop or a systemic approach? In light of this, it is clear that a systemic approach is needed. For employees to flourish sustainably, wellbeing needs to be integrated into the organisation’s strategy, values, and ways of working. However, a one-off workshop can be very useful. It needs to be offered as […]
Mindfulness & Academia

Mindfulness and Academia “The programme was very useful in highlighting how I can manage my response to the overwhelm and in noticing that the tasks are not inherently negative, but they are made negative due to my anxious response. This has potentially made a difference for me in continuing the PhD rather than quit.” […]
Mindfulness & Customer or Patient Experience

Mindfulness and Customer or Patient Experience This is a thought-provoking read if your organisation is looking for a fresh approach to enhance the customer or patient experience: The comments received from a mindfulness-based programme delivered within a retail work team illustrate how the benefits for the workplace lie beyond wellbeing. In this case, […]
Mindfulness & Safety Performance

Mindfulness and Health & Safety Performance Do you wonder how mindfulness is linked to health and safety? You wouldn’t be alone…either questioning this or assuming it is about employee wellbeing. This article explains the “how”, illustrating how mindfulness-based approaches offer something beyond increased wellbeing. It is essential reading if your organisation is thinking of […]