Mindfulness-based Approaches

Mindfulness practice trains our attention (focus), makes us more intentional (deliberate) in our choices and actions and encourages us to develop warmer and more helpful attitudes towards ourselves and others.

Beyond the wellbeing benefits, it is increasingly thought to be an important approach for developing peak performance states.

A trained teacher of the Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction curriculum (MBSR), Anne is passionate about bringing fun, accessible and safe programmes to workplaces and the domains of education and sport.

She also cares about retaining the depth, rigour and wisdom of the MBSR curriculum in these programmes – this was the subject of her PhD research. 

Anne loves bringing her mindfulness-based approaches to the True Athlete Project, a charitable organisation which harnesses the power of sport and athletes through mindfulness, compassion, mental skills training and mentoring.

"As a kickboxer, being present in the moment is crucial during fights, where a round lasts only 2 minutes."

What participants say:

Anne Macdonald | Performance Psychology